
Joanie runs the concession stand for the school's baseball games. At each game, the best selling items are pretzels and hot dogs. Pretzels are $3 each, and hot dogs are $2 each. Today she sold 15 more hot dogs than pretzels and made $195 in total sales. Use a system of equations to model the situation above, and determine which of the following are possible amounts of pretzels and hot dogs that Joanie sold today.

Accepted Solution


p + 15 = h

3p + 2(p + 15) = 195

3p + 2p + 30 = 195

5p = 165 (combine like terms and isolate your variable)

p = 33

33 + 15 = 48 (plug 33 into your original second equation)

ANSWER: 33 pretzels and 48 hotdogs
**You can plug these into your original (first) equation to check your answer